This page shows a selection of archives by Mr Minji Fukuda.
The photographs were taken in Mangoku Bay in Ishinomaki, Japan in 1969, when the major export of Miyagi seed oysters to France had just begun.

All the photographs and their copyrights are owned by Minji Fukuda. They are not to be copied or reused without the permission of the copy right holder.
Journal de Ishinomaki SAS Shipping and trade News 1969-2-24 Note about the photos Detaching to the pieces Sorting Stocking Treating in fresh water for parasites Re-washing Drying Late Dr.Marc Dupuis, Scientific Consillor of French Embassy Sorting Packing Checking Haneda Air port Haneda Air port Sanitary controle at Haneda Reportage by French TV Reportage by French TV Reportage by French TV Reportage by French TV, 1969-4-24 Prof. Doumange,Ishinomaki Nichinich, 1969. 05.21 Journal Yomiuri, Transport to Spain